Quick Update

Hey guys,

Just posting a quick blog to let people know what's up.

I'm in a pretty good mood right now, but that's because I'm on a pretty awesome role with my stories at the moment. My life at the moment, is sucky. I've got major issues and I'm just trying to forget it all ya'know? Anyway, I've got a bunch of stuff written for heaps of my stories, So I'll post them up later tonight/early morning because lets face it; I'll be up until like 5am.

I will be getting to the notifications, I'm just so desperate to distract myself that I'm burying my head in Call Of Duty now because I want to kill something, haha. I know if I spent any more time today on writing then a main character would get killed and we don't want that...maybe we do

So yeah - I'll be back on later.

I still didn't get any sex from the other night. My boyfriend is teasing me, the bastard.
October 26th, 2014 at 06:20am