My Day...

Hasn't been that bad. Just that we had to tests today. First it was on in French, it didn't go that bad. And we had one in science, I think it went pretty well, or at least I hope so.
On the buss ride home there was these people who wouldn't shut up, so I blocked them out with my music and almost fell asleep.

And I also told my friends a story about a pancake and an elf^^, I think the liked it.

And I've kinda written a song.

Sing your sorry song
I haven't heard it in so long
Keep your voice high
You can always die
Let the chorus fill the air
Let it wash away the fear

Verse 1:
Back in the time
It always started with a rhyme
The words became longer
But never stronger

Verse 2:
The songs that you always hear
Will always seem like they care
The chords within your heart
Are always worlds apart

Verse 3:
The emotions were never in
It became our biggest sin
We never could defend
Our dark dark end

Now it's time to stop your cry
Even if you die in your try
You'll never break
If you never fake

It's not completely done yet, but I'm pretty happy with what I've got.
September 22nd, 2007 at 02:01am