NaNoWriMo 2014: Fae's NaNo Log + Resources

[ Re-using El's NaNo Log idea from last year because I suck like that. ]

In case I need to explain this, the NaNo Log is basically just a huge organized compilation for the NaNoWriMo event including—but not limited to—novel details, word goals, dares, and so on. This year, I added resources for others that hopefully will be useful?

[ Mibba's NaNoWriMo Event ]
NaNoWriMo 2014
Writing Groups Sign-up
NaNoWriMo Profiles
NaNo Word Count and Ranks
Word Sprints
Opinions Needed

[ Other Helpful/Resource Links ]
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) website
Questions on NaNo2014 (Part 1 of ?)
Novel Dares
NaNoWriMo's 2014 Winner T-Shirt
Writer's Digest Prompts
Creative Writing Prompts
100 Beautiful and Ugly Words

[ Helpful Websites ]
If you don't have me added already, then go for it!

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Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy | Supernatural
Eiresse believes, without a doubt, that she was not made to be an Eidolonian. However when she discovers that she is soulbound to someone she has never met and only one half of a prophecy that an entire world full of creatures depend on to survive, she has to learn to accept and cope with being one of the two reborn Spirit Vessels.

So this is a complete rewrite of the disaster I managed to make last year and once again, I can't salvage anything that I've written so I have to trash the 50k words I wrote last year and do it all over again. Fun, huh? In times of writer's block and such, I'll be working on what was going to be my NaNo novel until literally two days ago: And What About Love? (Though I prefer not to write anything but Garden of Ghosts throughout November, but just in case and all.) I won't be posting this story on Mibba, though.

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Since I tend to power-write in the beginning and then start panicking, I'm using the One Word on Day 30 approach as a guideline. I used this last year for the first time and it helped more than I thought it would, and I'm almost positive that this approach is why I won last year.

# of words written today: --
# of words written overall: 13,010
Goal: 50,000
Bonus Goal: 55k - 60k

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Accepting any and all dares so comment or message away if you have a good dare to share! Also, I'm keeping some dares that I used last year so you might not find them in the Dares forum thread on the NaNoWriMo site, but if someone else doesn't post them, I will!

Include some version of Mr. Ian Woon in your novel. (a ready list)

from Angelic Assassin
Go to and hit the random button.
Bonus points if it becomes integral to the plot.
Double bonus points if the exact trope is mentioned by name.
Triple bonus points if it makes sense.

from JaxKendy
Include the quote: "Death before dishonor, but neither before breakfast."
BP if it's not said in a war like context.
DBP if the person who says it never eats breakfast.

from too cool for names
Have a character who names all of their furniture.
BP if they talk to their furniture, and have given each piece an individual personality and backstory, and birthday's, and each birthday they do something for the furniture, such as get a new cushion for a sofa or give a door a new paint over.
DBP if everyone but one character (possibly the MC) takes no notice of this and thinks it's completely normal.
TBP if their furniture does actually talk (Okay, kind of fantasy but the first part of this dare still works without it) but either
a) only sometimes
b) only to the owner of the furniture
or c) only to everyone but the MC/whoever can't hear it.

from bookbug87
Dare #3: Include the phrase "dragons make everything better" somewhere in your novel.
BP: If one of your not main characters says it.
DBP: If one of your main characters says it.
TBP: If one of your main characters says it every time right before or after seeing a dragon.

from Writing Dares
Include a really good death scene.
BP: If it isn’t the villain.
DBP: If it advances the plot.
TBP: If it does not include soppy deathbed confessions of love or anything.
QBP: If it will make your readers cry like babies anyway

Have a situation where two souls inhabit one body.
BP: If they are of two separate genders/sexual orientations.
DBP: If more lost souls or something of the like keep trying to join with the character.
TBP: If the phrase “How many souls do you think I can fit in this thing?” comes up…and is not spoken by the original owner of the body.

Include the line "I jammed it in so hard, it got stuck in the bone. Do you know how hard it is to pull a knife out of bone?"
BP: If it's human bone
DBP: If the human can hear this line spoken
TBP: If the line is said TO the victim

Include the phrase "It seemed like a good idea at the time!" in your novel at least 6 times.

Use the word of the day.

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Things that actually have been collected over time in notepads all over the place on my computer, but I'm pulling them together because I like the idea of having them organized here.

• "I have never seen someone get so excited to be surrounded by dead people before."
• "I need you! I need you, and not because of this stupid prophecy!"

• Someone will be/interact with an alchemist
• An important character will be a witch/wizard
• Someone will be/interact with a "mentally unstable" oracle
• The MC will get lost in haunted ruins
• Both Eidolonians will share a birthday

• enthasy - a soft, quiet death
• foudroyant - dazzling, flashing, stunning
• lassate - tired or weary
• meretricious - deceptively attractive
• rhathymia - the state of being cheerful and optimistic
October 28th, 2014 at 01:31am