
So I have finally posted a journal. Something I have been meaning to do since Mibba first started up-cant believe it took me this long.

Im using this as a way to get my messed up, contradicting, maybe even disturbing thoughts out of my head and onto paper. Well, onto a website anyway.
These are only my thoughts, opinions (even though I may not actually believe what I say), and views on things. Im going to apologise if anything I talk about offends anyone-although really, Im just one person, does it really matter what I think?
Im also going to apologise for the way I write, I chop and change between topics, often get confused with what im trying to say and almost always contradict myself. So be warned (If anyone actually reads this...)

I think today im going to start out with a rather contriversal topic-Sex.
Many, if not most, of todays advertisments use sex in some way, whether its a picture of a near naked woman, a sexual comment ect. Many label this pathetic, disgusting, even a unintelligent way of tryng to sell/advertise something, but no one can deny that sex sells.
Most would say that this is because we all want sex, but I think it is because of the reason behind why we want sex.

Wanting, thinking about, and having sex is a universal thing. We try to fool ourselves into thinking our sex life is something we can take control of, and use to our pleasure/benifit but really, the act of sex is somehing bigger than ourselves.
Human beings may believe that our purpose in life is to have a succesful career, live comfortably, and be liked by others. Maybe we think this to try and avoid the truth-that we are no different to every other 'inferior' species on the planet, as we all have the same single purpose in life - to reproduce, procreate, make babies ect.

That is our only purpose in life. Makes us seem pretty insignificant huh? The fancy homes, important jobs ect are things we have created, to keep us occupied?
the urge to have sex, or to 'get horny' is a universal thing to unsure that we reproduce, and carry on the human species. Sex is something that is imprinted deep in us, no matter how in control of our sex lives webelieve ourselves to be.

No wonder sex sells huh?

I want to make this journal fun, to keep you all coming back =). But how to do that? Maybe post a link to a new site everyday?
In that case todays one would be Bubble Shooter. A mindnumbingly basic, yet extrememely addicting game. Today I got my highest ever score of 982340. Let me know if you do any better.

So, if anyone managed to read this, maybe post a comment. Debate my opinions? Give me tips on how to make this more interesting?

Im gonna ge see if my sister is awake now, cause im getting bored.

Cya - Amy.
September 22nd, 2007 at 04:08pm