Just Stop.

Disclaimer: I do not want to start an argument or in depth debate. I'm just voicing my personal opinions and feelings right now. If you can't be mature and handle that fact, then please exit the blog immediately. I also suggest you leave if you are an extreme feminist, a lot of my feelings will not agree with yours and I'll just ignore you if you comment - Or I'll find a way to delete it. This blog isn't about you, it's about my feelings - Please respect that. I have to see your's all over Tumblr, and I'm posting mine here in the privacy of my own blog. Kay, now that's over - I hope I don't loose too many friends because they can't see past this, but shit happens.

As some of you know, I have just landed a spot writing for a magazine called 'Nerd Alert!', my job is writing about my experiences with games/gamers and online gaming in general plus gaming news. I've been reading up on all the recent shitstorm in the gaming world [I personally, Ignored it out of sheer annoyance before]. However I can no longer take this, I have to say something, anything.

[In bullet points, because if I write paragraphs I will end up bashing]

- I am pissed off. I am sick of having someone stand up for 'all women' and talk about what we like, want and need. NO. JUST NO. YOU do not know what I want/need and like. You have no say in what I feel about things. Just because we share the common body part known as a vagina, does not mean that you are all knowing and fantastical when it comes to women. Step the fuck down off your fame horse and take five minutes to talk to a large segment of women, and not just your supporters.

- I am sick of people who can't understand that I am capable of rational thought and I don't like being told that the 'patriarchy' is making me this way, or that I have some stupid internalized thing to 'do as I'm told my men'. No. I don't do as I'm told by anybody, so you can jump off a cliff right now if that's how you rationalize me and my feelings. I think what I want because I want to. End Of.

- If you go around, flaunting the fact that you are a girl on an online video game - Prepare to be mocked. Why? because you are being a twat. It has nothing to do with the fact you're a female. It happens to ten year olds that get on and say "oh I'm ten ladedah". If you say anything that sounds like you are trying to sound A) Cool. B) Trying to get attention, You will be made fun of. It has nothing to do with your gender, it has everything to do with the fact that you have come on, trying to get attention. Oh you'll get the attention, but you won't like it, so don't bother in the first place. No one gives two shits if you're a girl, what they do care about is if you're watching their back on team matches.

- Believe it or not, guys have no interest in the skimpy outfits that are put into video games. Of course some guys do, but some girl's do as well. It's not a gender issue, it's a people issue. That being said; If you don't like your character WEARING skimpy outfits, change it. I do, it's not difficult. I just go and do a quest to get a better set of armor that's tailored to my wants and needs. I don't cry about it like a five year old because my FAKE PIXELATED CLEAVAGE is showing. You can also see which game's are sexist my their trailers - If you don't like the trailer, DON'T BUY THE GAME. SIMPLE.

- Video Gaming has NEVER been anti women. Speaking as a long time female gamer, I've been welcomed in EVERY gaming circle I've joined. Why? Because I focus on the game, I don't muck around and try and have in depth conversations in the chats. That's not what it's there for. Guy's enjoy playing with me because all we talk about is the game - Nothing else. I don't bring any of my real life problems/online problems into the game - Because it has no place there. People play games because they want to escape the real world. By dragging gender issues that aren't there into it, You've just ruined one more outlet for me to hide from the real world. So thank you. Guy's panic about playing with me now, because they think they have to treat me differently otherwise I'll try sue them. I'm being completely serious and it's sad. Don't ever change gamers. I love you.

My final word is this. I am over being told which group is better. To someone who is against modern day first world feminism, all you're doing is pushing me away more. I don't want or need you to tell what's wrong with the world. I know what's wrong with the world. It's people, not men, people. Women do horrible things daily, and so do men.

I don't want your group to try and tell me how to live my life, what I am and what I want. You're oppressing me by whinging on that I am being oppressed.

I respect your feminist views, I respect what you want to do for the world. But I don't want to be apart of your group, I don't want to join hands with you - I don't believe in every aspect, therefore I can't support it. I wish you luck in your en devours, I hope you get out of it what you put in and I hope the world becomes a better place for everyone.

I'd like to finish by saying; I understand people get bullied online just for saying hello, and being found out their female. I understand that some games are very sexist (but that's another issue for another blog). However; That's a people issue, not a men issue. People seem to think that women don't work in the video game industry. That's bullshit. Please, Please, Stop spreading the lie that video games are made for men's sexual gratification. That's not true and it only harms your cause. I know of feminists leaving the cause over just that. I also know that not all feminists believe in all of this mess, but some do - and it's those one's I worry about.

To you I say this: Don't leave this up to that Anita women or whoever you're following. Come and see for yourself. The video game world is beautiful and full of amazing people who only want to make friends and have fun with make believe characters. Please don't judge all gaming men by the actions of a few, that would be like me saying all feminists are femi-nazis. That's not right, and that's not fair.

I hope I haven't pissed anybody off over this rant. I mean every word I said, however I think it's important to point out that it's only my opinion. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Don't let my words hurt you, annoy you or disgust you. There are more important things going on in the world than one girl's opinion on an online blog. I hope people are mature enough to see that this has no bearing on anything, no weight whatsoever for change and that I won't be banned. Thanks for listening - UpfrontBeast605 out.
October 30th, 2014 at 10:50pm