Oh, Dreams

Well... I mean nightmares. I've never had dreams of dying before or being murdered... but so far in the past two weeks I've had one and a half (nearly died in the second/tried to die). And after reading what it could mean... I have to agree with some of it.

To dream that you have been killed suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions and conscience. The dream refers to drastic changes that you are trying to make. There is a characteristic that you want to get rid of or a habit that you want to end within yourself. Killing represents the killing off of the old parts and old habits. Alternatively, the dream represents feelings of being let down or betrayed by someone in your waking life. You are feeling overwhelmed, shocked and disappointed.


To see a killer in your dream suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent purification and the healing process. You are standing up for yourself and putting a dramatic end to something.

Then there's what I've heard growing up. As some may know, (I've talked about it a bit) my grandma was really into dreams and knew what most symbols meant and usually what feelings would invoke what kind of dreams. Which thinking about it can be sort of common sense depending on what you connect with what.

Before I get into that I'll talk about my two latest death dreams in which one I died multiple times by the same three people in terrible ways.

Last week, a day or so after my roommates got home from Idaho, I had a dream where me and a group of people got stuck in a town. This town was a loop-town. If you've seen it think of Brigadoon. Wouldn't be too surprised if no one has seen it... was made in 1954 and I have a thing for watching old movies by myself. (With exception this town wasn't so happy and no one ever could escape.) Once you stay past a certain amount of time you are trapped.

We ended up getting stuck. No one could escape - not even by dying. Once twenty-four hours were up everything would reset. (Also think of Higurashi - watched that over three years ago so can't really say it's an influence, just now remembered the beginning plot.) Anyway, three people in this town have went bat shit insane. They killed people just to kill them. And for whatever reason, they had their eyes on me.

I was bludgeoned to death, was shot, stabbed, someone slit my neck, was hung, stoned. And the bad thing was, you didn't "die" you were alive and just left there to wait until the reset. In pain. You remembered the pain when you'd reset. Woke up and I was just really pissed, you know? I mean why would I have this dream and why do those people feel the need to even do that? They make everyone's live's Hell. Idk about the group, after the first death we kind of split.

Second dream! Possible trigger warning below since I'll be talking about certain self-harm.

Last night I was having a pretty pleasant dream of going to this class. In the dream I felt pretty smart... and I was pretty popular. Everyone in the class was a friend of mine with exception to two people who of course I had to sit with. First question from the teacher was math, and I can't do math quickly in front of others...

So they thought I was retarded because I couldn't answer 3 x 10 divided by .00020% in four seconds. Idek. And we had to answer with coins. I blame common core math. Anyway, break time and I heard screaming.

Always run away from screaming, it can never be good. Ever. Well outside the door I see an old friend, Diana, covered in blood. She had a brother and I unlocked the door to let her in, closed the door, locked it, then unlocked it to let her brother in. Before I could close and lock it again some man ran up and stuck his knife between the door preventing me from shutting it.

He broke in and started killing people in the school. I ran outside. (You would think me at the door I would have been the first goner, but he looked at me weird and moved on.) Hid behind bushes and then jumped on a truck thinking I'd get out.

Boy, I was wrong. Apparently the truck was holding the dead bodies and this was explained to me by the trucker who knew I was there all along.

He pulled me next to him and held me there. Basically, I was going to be skinned and my skin was going to be put in a processor that was for the water. The water was going to be given back to the people for something... there was something to do with a jewel and they were doing this FOR the people to fight against the government. Like okay I am the people don't kill me...

I begged and pleaded for him to just kill me painlessly. He handed my a knife and told me to do it myself. So, I started slicing at my wrist but I couldn't do it deep enough, it hurt. He laughed as I just continued cutting this way and that way and shouted, "You've got to go deeper! You'll never die that way!" I couldn't. I just couldn't. He got bored and pulled the knife from my hand. Called me pathetic and chained me up.

The leader - the guy from the school - came in covered in blood. Truck guy explained what had happened which pissed the leader off. He came over and grabbed my arms and just exploded with anger.

Apparently, now my skin was "ruined" and he'd have to wait until I healed completed before skinning me because now if he were to skin me my arms would be "wasted". Which is just too much skin to throw away.

That's about the time I woke up.

My grandma would probably tell me that I feel like I've been betrayed in some severe way and that's why I continue to die. Which would make sense, seeing as what my family has done to me the beginning of this year.

I agree with that and the drastic changes. With my last few blogs I have talked about changing and how I'm feeling. I'm trying to end my calculating self-worth bit, and by putting myself down and just letting people walk over me.

I'm changing in just so many ways that I can't even keep up. It's really odd when you can tell how your thought patterns have changed. Instead of saying something out right, I'll think about it quickly just to get the results I want. I'm putting myself first, for once. And instead of being all 'woe-is-me' it's Oh, I am fucking amazing so...

But... hated those dreams. I don't like dying in my dreams. Especially when I can't die or even put myself out of misery. Just ugh.

Anyway, that's enough rambling for today.
October 30th, 2014 at 11:15pm