Zombies and Jebus on toast

I had another Zombie dream. That's like the fifth this week *shudder* it sound really stupid, like something a three year old would dream about but the ones i've been having are so scary and real. Zombies fasinate me but also scare the shite out of me. I guess because if there was a real Zompocalipse it would be the end of everything, no more comphortable routine. You would either be turned into a raving rotting clawing maniac or be forced to kill former freinds, family or just people you used to line up with in the coffee shop line of work or go to school with. Maybe I'm just reading to much into this.

In other news i'm doing a RE assinment on the role of women in the gorwth of the catholic church *barf*. I am NOT relgious in ANY way and this asisnment is just making me angry..grr
September 23rd, 2007 at 12:45pm