Painful Professional + It's His Turn to Miss Me for a Week + Trust Issues? Or Something?

Hello all! I went and got my hair done today. I dyed it pink! :D I was hoping they would be able to just dye around the purple, because they've told me before they can't color OVER color. But no, I guess they had to re-add the purple at the bottom, which isn't what I wanted, but whatever. I just hope my work will allow it. I know they'd probably allow one color, but I have no clue how they'll be about one color for most and dip-dyed a different color...

Also, the hair dresser was NOT gentle AT ALL. Like.... seriously. Ow. And she got some on my skin. I just.... Ugh. And she had a tiny bit of an attitude. Like, I don't get my hair done enough professionally to know all the terms they use, no need to have an attitude over that, though! Blah. And she didn't wait for all of my hair to be blonde to put the pink in, so the scalp is super bright, the bid part is like pink-ish-yellow and the ends are purple. But, whatever, at least it's pink in general! Haha.

I told my favorite Manager that he would be surprised the next time he sees me. First thing he guessed was that I was dying my hair pink! So, I lied and said that wasn't it. So, he guessed I was dying my hair other colors, and I said no to all of those as well. Then he guessed that I was getting a piercing, and I said no. Then he guessed that I was getting married, and I said no XD I am sort of engaged.... But, the marriage still won't be happening for a few years :P

I'm excited to see him again on Monday, and for him to see my pink hair ::mrgreen:

I feel really bad, though. I feel like the last couple of times I've seen him my jokes have been really mean. He hasn't seemed to get hurt feelings over them or anything, but.... They just sounds really rude to me after I say them. I think it's partially my trust issues getting in the way.... Getting close to people and actually trusting them just means putting yourself up to get hurt. The more trust you put in someone the easier it is for them to break you. I want to trust my Manager, and be friends with him, but that's the thing, he's a Manager... He's a Manager, he get's paid to check on everyone, make sure they're doing well. He doesn't REALLY care about me or my personal life, even if he acts so....

Or maybe he does, I don't know. The Assistant Boss of the Produce Department says stuff to me that make it seem like he knows my favorite Manager actually cares about me or something... Which, I would like to trust that, but I just can't. Not yet. I shouldn't be acting like such a b!tch to my Manager, though. It's not cool of me ::sorry: I need to watch my mouth more...

So, that'll be something I'll be working on once I'm back on Monday (or Sunday). Hopefully it goes well!!
November 4th, 2014 at 02:45am