My mom's wack ass boyfriend.

For anyone who was/is worried here's the story:

Okay. So my mom had this bf. Crazy dude okay. And I've always had a bad vibe from him, from the day I met him. And I'm an awfully good judge of character. Well, on Sunday him and my mom got into this agrument and he wouldn't let her leave his house. He was yelling at her and he took her car for awhile and it was just this big mess. THEN, mom was telling him that they're over and she wanted her stuff back. Well she noticed that her spare set of keys were missing and she called him and he said that he had them. She dropped me off at work and then went to his house to pick them up (yes, a dumb move on her part). While she was there he was getting beligerent and he tried to hurt her and take her things away from her. She got away and came to my job to take my phone because he had temporarily broken hers and she told me what happened. Then she told me to call her when I needed to be picked up. I called her but she couldn't pick me up because the police were at the house and she couldn't leave. So Jandri and his brother took me home. The police left shortly after I got home. And I'm basically just scared that he's gonna try to come to our house and kill us. He seems like the kind of guy to do that. My mom got a restraining order against him today but what's a fucking piece of paper gonna do when someone's holding a gun to your temple? I'm just really scared and I have this terrible feeling. And I know that people can feel when something life threatening or deadly is about to occur. And last night I just dwelled on the fact that I might be killed soon. And I thought of all of these ways I could die. I dunno. I'm just really morbid and paranoid.

And I was on the bus and I was imagining going home and finding my mom dead or something. -le sigh- I'm so afraid.

I always knew he was a fucking wacko. But noooooo. My mom doesn't listen to me even though I'm always right.
September 25th, 2007 at 07:57am