NaNoWriMo 2014

Guess who is late to this part? This girl!

I've been meaning to post a blog about NaNo since October 12th (no joke, honestly), but I've always thought how there's still a lot of time left to do that and well-- I wasn't really thinking about it at all.

Either way, here are some links to spam you with my progress:

So far, I have no challenges, I have two prompts I'll use and until yesterday, it was going terribly. While in my previous (camp) NaNo experience, first two days were the hardest but also the best when it came to writing, this year I feel like I've twarthed it and I should've probably picked a different story?

I wasn't overly fond of the characters (except one and he's a side character Teddy <3) and that had be really down about the whole thing and I was seriously considering just switching stories and writing Howler instead.

Buttt I decided to kick myself in the ass for not thinking about this before so I'm sticking with this one to the end, however it may end (or not end, who knows).

How are you guys going with NaNo?
Are you struggling, or did you plan in advance?
I'd love to hear from you about it, so feel free to pester me on messages or add me on NaNo (or ask for Skype and thingies tbh)

Have a lovely day <33
November 4th, 2014 at 05:55pm