Oh My God! .... *cries*

My bff just found our school's BlackList in home ec. class on the floor and it had all of my friends' names and mine too. *in tears*

It said horrible things about us and the girl who wrote it called us bitches and said that me and my 'so-called' best friend are in fact lesbians and we have sex with each other! And that I'm a masochist!
I'm sorry for the profanity but I can't help it .. I'm crying now because ... it's so evil and the stuff she said about us.. she even had a go at Green Day (And also Westlife)!
And the worst thing is .. What did I do? I always tought I -along with my best friend- are invisible, and the problem is that we actually are! There's nothing special about us that's worth writing about! And she acussed my other friend of insect with her own brother and dad! And she wanted to poke my eyes out cause I always have a book in my hand and read!

Oh my god ... I'm still not over it....

All of us have been called names (Really mean ones) and there are about 3 pages and about 36 of the 130 girls in our school! What made her (The girl who made the list) choose us specifically? (Since me and my bff's name are on the front page and the things written about us filled at least half of it!!)
And I ask myself what did I do to deserve this? We never fought with anyone in my days (I graduated now) and we never stood out in a negative way so what made them choose us?
All I can say now is ... Oh My God ...

And btw the BlackList is sort of like the Burn Book in Mean Girls. And it's been a few days since that happened and every one (Every one who knows that is) is telling me to forgive and forget... But I don't want to....
September 27th, 2007 at 05:55pm