My Shows.

I have recently been watching a lot of new shows and taking on so many new series has left me with a lot of feelings. None of my friends seem to share my interest in most of these shows. When I fangirl, I go hard. I need people to share these feelings with who understands.

What I'm propping is maybe a forum thread where people on this site can "meet" and talk about the shows they're watching over private messages or something. Would anyone be interested in that?

For now, I want to recruit someone to talk with about one or more of the following shows:

American Horror Story Freakshow
Red Band Society
A to Z
How to Get Away With Murder

Xx, harley.

P.S. I'm working on reading those stories for people that asked for feedback. I'm sorry it's taking so long. I'm a slow reader and I'm swamped with work and it's left me with little free time. From the looks of this blog you wouldn't think so but when I have free time I'll be reading these stories from now on. Thanks for being patient!
November 6th, 2014 at 09:15pm