ARGH >.<

Okay so. Not to long ago, me and this boy started talking, and then it got to where it was like every single day we talked on the computer and phone. And I got this huge crush on him. I figured it would go away, but eventually he told me liked me too. And then it just soared up even more. Once again, I figured it would go away, but every single day, I find myself thinking about him more and more and more. And whenever I do, I get butterflies and I smile like a idiot.

Whenever I see him, my heart beats faster than anything on this earth, my stomach does full backflips over and over and I feel like absoulute jello. And then he'll always say things to me that make me just go absoulutely gooey inside and out. I'm beginning to think I love him. More than what he thinks I do. And I wanna try to tell him, but I'm too scared. I cherish our friendship more than anything.

I had this idea to write a letter to him, explaining how I feel about him and then mail it when I'm ready, but I don't know. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, or just telling him straight up about it.

I don't know what to do. I want to tell, because I know I'll be relieved . But then I don't, because our friendship means everything to me, and I don't want to ruin it.

Any suggestions? Help?
September 28th, 2007 at 06:32pm