Early Christmas

So Christmas is coming early for my mom this year. Not for any other reason except that what I was getting her was a live animal and it just so happened to end up happening sooner that I expected.

First off, my boyfriend is NOT a cat person at all but my mom and I LOVE cats. When my mom moved in with my uncle, she had to give away her two cats that she had had for years because he didn't want them in his house. It was heartbreaking for her. It took a lot of convincing, but my boyfriend finally agreed that since we would not be caring for them and paying for them, and that I explained to him with two kids and one on the way I just was NOT ready for a puppy for our oldest son, he agreed that we could get my mom a kitten for Christmas.

My mother in law knew about this and called me yesterday to tell me that an old friend of mine who lives near her (she's 2 hours away) had just rescued a box of kittens but needed to get rid of them because her grandmother would flip out if she found out about them.

Today MIL and my best girl friend T went over and picked up two of the kittens (their sisters) for my mom. If all goes well, we will be going to pick them up on Sunday when I go drop my oldest off for a week with his Mimi.

I'm pretty excited. My mom gets her christmas present early and doubled. =]
November 7th, 2014 at 09:34pm