So Sore

Yesterday there was a school dance that was hosted by MuchVideoDance and I went, I hanged out with my friend and it was way more packed then the dances over at my old school last year!!

But....The reason why I was so sore was that they played Red Flag and Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent and I head banged and jumped up and down non-stop during those two songs. Also I did the same thing when the played Nothing Left by illScarlet. Also there was a mosh pit for a temperary time close to the end of Red Flag and I nearly fallen in it lollll.

Uhh lets see what else they played..They played Hips Don't Lie by Shakira and I belly danced to it. (Since my native dance is belly dancing...Yes I am a muslim (From Lebanon) and people say I don't look like I'm from Lebanon loll).

I nearly fanited cause I was jumping and head banging too much. I danced with one guy when they were playing a soft song (by the Pussycat Dolls *gags*).

The even handed out some MuchVideoDance shirts but I didn't get any, they were also handing out Big Shiny Tunes 11 and Billy Talent II(YEA FOR BILLY TALENT!!!), but again I didn't get any (oh well no big deal).

They also played Marlin Manson, Aqua's Barbie Girl, Spice Girls and Britney Spears in that order. (The DJ said 'And here is a song by Britney Spears in her better days....They played Toxic).

The didn't play any of the songs I requested (BT - Try Honesty, MCR - I'm Not Okay (I Promise), TDG - Home, Korn - Freak On A Leash and As I Lay Dying - Nothing Left). I think it was because all of those videos are not new(Except for As I Lay Dying, but it only gets played on Loud).

Well overall it was an awsome night, the only bad thing was is the stiff neck which is in a pain in the ass lolll.
September 29th, 2007 at 08:24am