My Apologies

Hello! It's been more than a while since I was at all active here, and it saddens me but reality came crashing down with this thing called "life". Not that I didn't have one before but now I'm only ever at home when I need to sleep. That's all I do at home- I don't even eat at home any more.

It takes me 3-4 hours a day just to travel to the city where my university is at, and yes I am searching for an apartment and have been for a while. Then I always stay in school till it closes, just to study etc. It's so freaking hard.

Anyways, I'm still in contact with people from Mibba on other social medias and thank you for the never ending support that you all have given me on my stories and anything else that I've done. It means the world. I miss writing but not as much as I miss having this routinised school life I am living now- my last school can't even compare. Hopefully one day I'll have the time and the interest to get back into writing.

I never wanted to leave any of my stories unfinished because I hated when other authors did- it hurts that it's come to this. Honestly. I'll try to finish them one day. I'll try.

Thank you all and so many hugs to all of yoooooooooooou! I miss Mibba a lot!
November 10th, 2014 at 10:56pm