A Random Thought Train. May Be a Decent Hook, Later.

This isn't something you define.

As human beings we experience a myriad of emotions; we FEEL everything.

We spend hours upon hours of our time together, just trying to put them into words. Words, however, are not sufficient enough to express a fraction of what goes on in our minds. Words cannot express what it is to meet the eyes of a person whose gaze you've been craving, desperately. Words cannot encompass the sensation of fingertips grazing the skin of your neck, just below the ear. Words do not convey loss, or what it is to grieve. Words... will never be able to explain the darkness that consumes me when everyone else has fallen asleep and I have been left, completely alone with my thoughts.

How is it even possible, that in a society so based in constant communication, we barely even know how to use words? Why are there so many times that we know exactly what we want to say, but find ourselves, unable to gather the words? Why is it so important that we have them... that we know how to speak, and read, and write.

How could we possibly know what the mind of another is attempting to communicate? Even with language, there is no way to understand completely...

Or is there?
November 11th, 2014 at 10:01am