London Trip Summer 2007 <3

I thought it would be fitting if I posted a journal about the absolutely amazing time I had in London this August. It was a life changing experience, however corny that may sound!
First of all, me and my mum arrived in Euston Train Station and rushed onto the tube. We hopped off at Oxford Circus and walked so damn quickly along to HMV. When we got there it was totally packed, and we were pretty annoyed as we thought we wouldn't be able to see a bloody thing! However, we managed to weedle our way down the side, where we were right on the barrier. But then the gay bodyguards made everyone move out of the way and my mum pointed me down an aisle on the side. Luckily, it was this one which was the first one we were allowed into, so me and my mum had front row view <3
Aiden came on and played a fucking blistering set, the highlights for me was when Nick came over to us and played in front of me and my mum <3 And then WiL sang towards us for a while, and grinned at my mum.
After the show, Jake threw his drumstick directly towards me, but annoyingly it fell the aisle in front of where we were allowed. I was about to jump over the vinyls but some scrawny brat [damn you wherever you are] scuttled through the barrier and got it. Dammit.
But anyhow, even though I didn't have a wristband we hung around for ages in HMV, in the hope that we might get to meet them. I tried everything to get past the security people but they were just too damn sharp! So after Aiden had left the building, we went around the side to wait for them to leave. It was a bit of a bugger because there were two exits, each with about 20 people outside waiting in the hope of meeting the lovely Aiden.
We chose our exit and sat outside the pub opposite with a beer. There was rumour they were at the other exit, so 20 kids all sprinted along these back alleys, desperate to get a glipse of their heroes, much to the amusement of many people having a fag outside their offices!! Whilst we were gone, Jake D popped out of the entrance we were previously at, to have a fag! My mum was the only person over that side at the time, and she was just chatting to him for a bit, until the stampede of kids came back round the corner! We all surrounded Jake and were just talking to him for a while. Probably wisely, he gave someone his [still lit] cigarette and flew back inside. Everyone was taking drags of the cigarette, and the excitement calmed down. We waited for ages, and then suddenly we heard so much screaming coming from the other side. So we all ran around, to find several hysterical teenagers telling us all about how they had a massive group hug with Aiden. We all felt pretty dejected as we trudged our separate ways.
Me and my mum spent the next day in Camden, and then headed over to the London Astoria in the evening to see the Lostprophets. We were right at the back of the queue when we got there, but wierdly we walked straight to the barrier on the side. We both had an amazing view, and I went to buy a tee and some drinks.
Attack Attack came on pretty quickly and played a good set. The highlight was Home Again, which is a stunning song, and was a great way to open what was set to be a fucking awesome night.
We noticed the lead singer had a slight resemblance to Mr Patrick Stump.....discuss!
The clock struck 9.30 and the lights went out. The Astoria was filled with screaming, as the Lostprophets bounded on. I've seen them 3 times, and this was undoubtably the best I've ever seen them. They suit such a small environment, and completely ripped the stage apart.
Ian Watkins was on form as ever, as the band joked around with each other. They were all so relaxed, and it was really nice to see them so obviously enjoying themselves. It was a stripped down set, jam-packed with amazing songs and stunning guitar work.
My favourite song had to be The Fake Sound of Progress, they just play it so well. <3
The nice thing about the Lostprophets is that they are so down to earth and really nice guys. They seem so at ease just playing and stopping mid song and talking and stuff. If I'm honest, I felt priveliged, I still do actually, to have witnessed what was definately the best shows of my life.
So the question is, how was this week going to be topped off? Simple answer - Kerrang Awards. I had know they were going to be on when we were in London, but I couldn't find out where they were. All week we'd been on the lookout for 'rockstars' on the street, as I was desparate to meet someone and get some photos taken and my bag signed. On the day before we were due to go home, I was pretty down as we were yet to see anyone. It had pissed it down all week long, and to be honest I didn't blame anyone they weren't out.
We returned home to the friend we were staying with, and she looked up on the internet to see if she could find out where they were being held. A minute later she was successful in her search, and we set off on the tube. Luckily it was only a few stops away, so we arrived there fast. As we were walking along the road towards the venue, a blacked out Mercedes Van went past. This sent me incredibly hyper and we started running along the street. We reached the venue and who was it but Aiden climbing out of said Mercedes. I sprinted across the road [narrowly being missed by a taxi] and ran up to the barrier. I waited patiently, and Nick came along. I was so nervous and shaky and he asked me if I was okay! I told him it was because he was my hero and I made him all embarrassed ^_^ Bless! So he signed my bag, chatted to me for a while, and then posed for this FUCKING AMAZING picture. Thank you so much Nick <333
Next along was WiL. He was super nice as well, and posed for a picture and signed my bag etc. But unfortunately, my camera was too zoomed in, so I had a picture of me & WiL's necks! Dammit >:(
Angel & Jake D did the same, Angel's photo turned out ace, but Jake D was so tall I missed him off the photo!
And finally, Jake W had started to wander away, when I called him over. "Sorry chick, I didn't see you there." Bless him ^_^ He was super friendly and chatted with me for a while.
And while the rest of Aiden were still going down the barrier, Nick had finished and came over opposite me on the road. I smiled at him and he gave me the biggest grin ever <3 He's such a legend, as are all of Aiden. They are just a tribute to themselves, and to the rock world in general. They took half an hour of their lives to make about fifty people's lives. They don't know how much it means to the fans, but they are a credit to themselves.
Long live Aiden <3
And that was the end of the most amazing trip ever, a life changing and eye opening one it was.
October 1st, 2007 at 01:52am