Things I Hate

Right so I'm in such a weird mood (I blame pregnancy) and I've come up with a rather short list of things I hate... right off the top of my head.

My kittens thinking that they can crawl into my lap and eat my food. No. Go away. This is MY Teriyaki Beef Soup. GO AWAY.

Being pregnant. Which like, you're all probably like... don't you have kids?? Yes. Yes I do. I have two of them and I am currently pregnant. But I seriously hate BEING pregnant. The end result (my beautiful baby) is the best thing in the world. The process SUCKS. I have bad pregnancies. My first one, I had to have an emergency c-section because my blood pressure was so high that I was on the verge of a seizure which could have caused brain damage to my son. My second pregnancy I had placenta previa up until I was 6 months which caused bleeding and cramping during the first trimester. Which was scary because I thought I'd lose my baby. And this pregnancy has just been awful. The first three months were full of torture and 3 ER visits because of intense bleeding and cramping, and I ended up on a week-long bed rest all three times. Which isn't easy with two other kids. Moving into the second trimester just brought on extreme fatigue and body aches. I feel like I constantly have the flu, minus the virus part. I can never get enough sleep (my 1 year old only wakes up once a night and let's me sleep until 9), even though I nap for two hours during the day on top of going to bed as early as 9 most nights. My body is sore everywhere all the time. My joints ache, my muscles hurt, and I've been getting bruises from the stupidest stuff that hurt so bad. So yeah. I hate being pregnant.. I just want my kid. LOL

I hate being lonely. Seriously. I only ever talk to someone over the age of 4 if my landlord comes by, when my mom gets home at night, and if my mother in law calls. I don't have a car right now, and we live over a mile away from the nearest store, so there's no walking (especially not pregnant pushing two kids in a stroller who combined weigh almost 80lbs) anywhere social. I have come to realize that I don't have friends in real life. Like... I don't even have people to call or text other than my boyfriend, mom, and in-laws... and sometimes my brother if I haven't pissed him off or he isn't working.

Did I mention I hate that my kittens keep trying to eat my food? GO AWAY KITTIES. IT IS NOT FOR YOU!!!!!

Anyways. I just felt like getting that out of my head. Have a good day!
November 17th, 2014 at 10:13pm