New Contest | Grandpa Has Cancer.

So first of it's been a long time since I last wrote here (not really actually, only been 15 days - BUT I GOT A NEW BLOG LAYOUT ... fancy, right? :D) so I thought I'd let you all know that I still live.

Anyway I made this contest on here yesterday - A Christmas contest. And I thought I just wanted to promote it, so if you guys want to join it I'd be happy! It's called Oh Merry Christmas and it's basically just a simple classic Christmas story which you have to write - Pick a picture, write a story that match the picture. You know the drill.

But yeah, join it! :D

Now to the serious part: My grandpa have been sick for quite sometime now, but he refused to go to the doctors. But then some days ago when he noticed something wasn't quite right (blood in his movement) I decided to go to the doctors. Then he got a letter that told him to come to the hospital the following monday, and that he did and he got home with an extremely sad news: He's got cancer.

The doctors aren't entirely sure if they've already removed the cancer or not, so they want to remove 20cm of his intestines and then they think that the cancer might be gone - but they aren't quite sure.
I was pretty f*cking shocked when my mom told me - and I was still in school at that time! But anyway, I can't do anything but pray for him to feel better soon. He's btw. handeling everything extremely well, but then again; We can't do anything about it, right?

Well I guess this was it for now? Btw. if you guys wanna know; It took me almost two hours to write this blog-thing. I don't even know why it took me so long...
November 20th, 2014 at 09:30pm