Want a Story Layout?

Hey guys.
So I really feel like doing something. I'm by no means an amazing story layout maker, but I can make some cute ones (although I have no idea how to make a decent banner). This mostly goes out to people who don't have them and who don't know how to make them. Feel free to take a look at some of mine:

Who We Are
Stranger Things
Mystery Boy
Death-Wish Kids

I just like making ones that are cute with good aesthetics and nice fonts. :)

It doesn't really matter what the plot of the story is, but if you want a banner you're gonna have to provide one of your own. If not, I'll use images of the focus of the fanfiction, or an image that I can find that fits with the story. If you have one already, I'll make it around that.

Just comment and let me know.
November 21st, 2014 at 03:37am