To the Readers of 635798 | Questions!

Hey y'all!

Before any of you freak out, no I am not discontinuing 635798. I'm just here to say that I have a lot going on so I can't update today. There's so much homework to do and other shit and it's making my brain explode. I promise to update next Sunday for sure!

Well. This is incredibly short. Let's ask some questions.

1. How are you?
2. What did you do today?
3. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
4. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
5. Seen any good movies lately?
6. Read any good books lately?
7. Going Black Friday shopping?

My answers:
1. Fantasterific.
2. Absolutely nothing. I should be doing my homework though.
3. Going to my G-ma's.
4. I hate Thanksgiving food. I literally gag when I eat turkey and stuffing. I only eat salad and rolls on this day.
5. I watched Orphan yesterday and now I'm watching Star Wars.
6. I'm reading Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison right now.
7. I don't have money and I'm not waiting in 10 day long lines so I'm going Black Friday observing.

Ciao a tutti!
November 23rd, 2014 at 09:58pm