Vlogs - Ask Me Questions!

So, a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) I made a two-part video blog based on questions that I was asked and I just went back and watched them again and got the idea - hey, I'd like to do that again! It was a lot of fun to get questions and answer them and discuss things with people. I ramble a lot, but what else is new? So I thought that I would open up the option to ask me questions and I'll make a big video blog (vlog) with those questions and my November Favorites this coming weekend.

You can ask me anything you like - it doesn't have to be centered on my stories or writing but it also can be. I'll answer just about anything (as long as it's appropriate!). If you want to watch my old ones, it'll be tough to find them unless you go back in my blogs a good bit so repeats of questions are fine. I'm pretty flexible on that sort of thing. If more than one person asks something, that's okay too. Maybe ask 2 questions in case that happens?

I've noticed Mibba has been quiet lately and that's another reason why I'd like to do this. Get people talking more on here especially since break is coming up and I'm hoping to be writing CONSTANTLY before spring semester starts. But also, hopefully, my spring semester will be a lot less crazy than fall so I'm going to be around more and I'd like to talk to people, get feedback, all that stuff. I've missed talking to people on here. Some leave me a comment and ask me something! I'll be recording the vlog after Thanksgiving so you have plenty of time to think up some good ones. You can also ask as many as you'd like. Well, I'll limit it to 5 a person haha. Not that anyone would want to ask me more than that haha.

I'm so excited to hear from y'all!

Though my Thanksgiving break will be full of homework, I'll try to get some updates posted. I know I've been slacking. School and I totaled my car the night before my birthday two weeks ago so I've been dealing with that. I'm also sick which sucks but I'm getting through it. I really want to work on a lot of my stories come Christmas Break so you can also leave me comments with what stories you would like to see get updated along with your questions. In fact, I'd love to hear them!

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon!
Have a great holiday (if you celebrate Thanksgiving haha)!
xoxo, Erin
November 25th, 2014 at 01:46am