Petty Revenge

Hopefully this isn't too much of a story but rather something that I remembered while browsing Reddit's r/pettyrevenge.

If you've ever worked at a restaurant you'd probably know about those types of people who complain about the food in order to get a discount. I'm an honest person and trying to con my way into getting a discount is not my thing. Even if the food is sub par (I've been to a few too many restaurants where I regret having even entered) I won't complain about it--after all, someone had to have worked on that food for an honest wage. Unless you're an asshole. Then you can go suck a dick.

Anyways, back to my point. Those kind of customers suck.

Three years ago I got my first job working at a Japanese restaurant. The employees were nice--the manager was the kindest woman and her husband worked as the head sushi chef (he was really soft spoken, however). They were both Japanese and had black hair. Now you might ask me, what does their hair have to do with anything? Well, that'll be important later on. The assistant sushi chef was also a pretty chill Japanese lady (she thought I was Japanese when I started working there) with black hair. She was pretty short though and I occasionally bumped into her when I couldn't see her--sorry! Our head chef (I'm sure there's a technical term for all these chefs but I've only ever been a waitress) was a pretty big guy who came from Bangladesh (surprisingly), but more importantly, he was bald. Bald as hell with a shiny ass head. My fellow waitress was born and raised in America and had dark brown hair.

Now that I've explained the exposition, here's the real story. It's sometime after lunch, so it's not that busy. Lunch is our busiest since there's a LOT of businesses nearby and we offer takeout so it's pretty convenient if you want to eat something healthy (there's a lot of burger joints nearby too, fyi). In comes a couple. The guy has brown hair and the girl has blonde hair. Also important. They order some sort of a dish and some sushi. Sushi gets made, sushi gets served. I, however, am not the one serving them, but I happened to be nearby when this went down. I suppose at some point the couple notices there's--gasp--a hair in their food. Now that I look back on it, it's pretty obvious that the hair was NOT any of our's. It was so light and blonde that it could've only belonged to the girl friend. Probably because you couldn't easily rip a hair strand from a guy's head without causing a lot of attention. So they complained and the manager came out and they got a full refund for their food. Not just the sushi, but the other dish they ordered as well.

In retrospect, I maybe I should've spoken up about the hair not matching any of ours. But, then again, I didn't want to cause some kind of big drama. But seriously, I wish I had been able to pull off some sort of petty revenge like the people over at r/pettyrevenge. But the couple left soon after. They were probably all smug about it too.

Oh, there's another memory about that same waitress I work with messing up a regular's order. The regular always, always got vegetarian tempura. No shrimp or squid. Just yams and whatever else we had (I only get yam tempura so I can't remember, especially since I don't work there anymore). I usually took her order by coincidence so I knew what she wanted. Unfortunately, my coworker was a huge chatterbox and pretty ditzy. Basically she didn't catch that the woman said she wanted only vegetable tempura. Guess what she got? A bunch of shrimp tempura mixed in. So she wanted a refund since we fry the tempura in the same fryer, obviously. Guess what? In this case, no refund. This had me steamed for a few days since the waitress was the one who got the order wrong (I know because I am always listening. always. It's a small restaurant and there's usually nothing better to do anyways). She kept complaining and pinning the blame on the customer--who didn't even eat the tempura and left instead.

Sometimes justice can be so messed up.

Ferguson is messed up. No one deserved to die; but, we have no concrete evidence of what happened. r/pettyrevenge also made me read r/justiceporn (which is not NSFW as it sounds ok). I read an article on a situation where a cop shot at a man who was reaching for his license. The man did not die and obviously did not deserve to die as he was just getting his license out to show the police, but the man shot him anyways because he thought he was reaching for a gun for whatever reason. The man was wounded and the cop was arrested since he was clearly in the wrong. Why we know this? There was a dashcam that showed everything that happened. I think this is a pretty good indication that cops need to wear cameras. Perhaps if it had happened, we would know what actually happened in Ferguson. Did Brown actually struggle for Wilson's gun? Was Wilson really in danger and needed to shoot Brown down?

Happy Thanksgiving.
November 27th, 2014 at 10:43am