
I'm gonna use this site for blogging.

I'm pissed off, Boys suck.

I mean, I knew this boy would never go out with me in the first place. He has a six pack for crying out loud, but, like, seriously. It's another kind of low to tell me you're kissing other girls KNOWING I'm mad crushing on you, and then standing me up for a... Not really a date, but we were going to hang out. It still sucks. especially when you get out of work your early and drive an hour in a dangerous now storm to see a guy you have feelings for.

Like, I knew he was never going to make me his because I'm obviously not good enough. Like, You know Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect? Yeah, that's me. But there's no need to stand me up and not text me for two days. Granted I haven't exactly texted you but you know, I shouldn't have to. Especially because you're the one who messed up here.

Boys fucking suck.

He was a sex offender anyway.

November 30th, 2014 at 04:39am