
I don't really do stuff like this. I'm not great at writing, but I want to be a writer, so... I gotta write. I dunno, I'm just giving it a shot. So, me. I'm 16, I live in one of the most boring states in America (woot woot New England represent), I work at a supermarket. I'm not exactly unique. Well, there's one thing different about me. I fell in love with a girl. Well, yeah, that's not all original either, but it was ten years ago. Everything I've done since I was SIX was for this. one. amazing. girl. And she? Just wants to be friends. For ten years. Until two months ago, when she told me she couldn't take being loved so much anymore and cut me out of her life. Completely. Totally. Like I was nothing. So I'm heartbroken and all I have left is one friend. Shoutout to YouAreMyDemise for showing me this site. Caitie, you're what I've got left, buddy. Thanks for sticking around. So, blogs? Not often. I'm a storyteller, I'm gonna tell stories more than anything else. But man. That girl, she killed me. Killed me real good.
November 30th, 2014 at 06:04am