Possibly of great interest to those of the Indie inclination

I'm sure everyone must feel this sometimes, but if you find a really great indie band, start talking about them (perhaps just dropping their name into certain conversations at an increasingly larger scale) when they sort of first release a record and have no-one listen/appreciate what you say, how incredibly frustrating is it when they suddenly hit the mainstream and you have those same unappreciative people come up and tell you "Hey have you heard of [insert band you've liked/talked incessantly about for 3 years' name here]? They are like so my favourite band"?
Is it just me, or does this in a way make you resent it when the band you love so much does find mainstream/financial success?
I get this feeling quite a bit and then I get rather guilty because its almost like you don't want the band to be successful.

Ok end rant.
Thank you for sticking to then end of this, and hopefully understanding my non-sensical ravings
October 3rd, 2007 at 12:40pm