Mibba. Please. Pay attention.

Most of us all have one or two, and we regret dating them too. Don't we? Well, some of them.

Let me introduce you to my ex boyfriend.

Name: Hayden.
Age: 16.
Status: Single. [I can see why]
Location: Perth.

Reason for us breaking up: Well, from my point, I wasn't the type he needed, or, wanted.

Infact I was totally different.
Stands up for herself.

Now, at the start of this year, his mum nearly died. She is now an ex-smoker. Her problems were caused by smoking. Now, Honestly, right now, I don't care. But it was her fault. People know what smoking can do you to you. She, like others, decided to ignore the warnings. And her life was nearly taken. Now. Hayden keeps on and on and on and on and on AND ON about this. Every single day I saw him.

"My mum almost died last year." ONCE IS ENOUGH sweety. Please. Once.
Now this is what pissed me off. He complained about almost losing his mum.
Ya know sweety. I know my mum never nearly died. I'm really lucky to have my mum around. and I fucking know it. and you should be too. But please. There are kids out there. who have;

- NEVER MET THEIR MUM, let alone, both parents.
- THEIR MUM DIED either recently, or during their childhood.

He as far as I know, I've never really had any-one to back it up, his uncle molested him. and He was kidnapped. He also kept on about this also, like it was a good thing. Honey, it's not.

- Parents sell their kids, pornography, sexual slavery.
- Kidnapped children almost always never come home again. Your pretty much lucky you came home after it.
- Your uncle molested you. Yes, okay, but you don't go around telling every soul on earth. Screaming it outloud every 5 seconds.

During our relationship, I went through a rough patch with my parents, they wouldn't talk to me. I had to fend for myself. I cried for days over it. Because, I, for 3 weeks, knew what it felt like to have your parents turn their backs on you. Ignore you. I never once complained about it. These thing I'd rather keep to myself. Why can't people feel lucky to have both parents still?
Why is it we are either hating our mums or dads? Your mother gave birth to you. Your dad helped create you. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be here.

Bad experiences happen. You don't live by them. Put them behind you. Learn to live everyday as it comes. Don't plan an action plan for you life. Please. Your parents raised you, loved you. Some of the things they do, they don't want you doing. They've done it, they've seen the outcomes.

One of my best friends has had numerous Suicidal thoughts AND attempts, she's had a rough past. She doesn't dwell. I'm there for her. She knows it too.

Another one of my friends. she was sexually harrassed, and raped. Being raped is how she lost her virginity.

Please, people.
Don't be afraid of what happened in the past. If it's still happening. Tell someone. Someone you can trust. Don't whine about you hating your parents because they wouldn't let you go to the next MCR concert or FOB or GD concert. You would regret when they're gone.
I'd be lost without my parents. We all would be.

October 4th, 2007 at 12:59am