What Happened To Those 'Good' Little Kids?

What the hell happened to those cute little kids, huh? The ones that would just hug your leg or just love to play house. Instead of the ones that kick you in the shin and give you the finger. Where are the kids that want to grow up and be a veternarian or some super hero instead of a pimp.

Where have the kids gone today? Im only in grade 7, still young I know, but this grade 6 kid was already talking to shit to us.

In my city, third graders know about sex and hump each other. Second graders that already know all the swear words.

What has happened to the kids of today?
Who the hell is teaching them this kind of shit?

Its frustrating when you see the third grader infront of you cussing at someone.
Its furstrating to see little kids bullying, beating up other kids.
It is frustrating to know that these kids are people we know, people that are raised by your neighbour, and stuff.

Who do blame?
Who do we point the finger at?

The parents?

Who had taught these young and precious minds what they shouldnt worry about until grade five at least?

Thank God these kids don't live in some country that lets them have guns or we'd all be dead.

[This was a random rant I just had to spit out. Stupid fucking grade 6 and his bratty attitude!]

Good day to you all.
October 4th, 2007 at 03:12am