Im Cutting Myself.

Now that I have your attention, please listen to my little rant about cutting.
(No, I am not cutting. I have never cut...In a way...)

My cousin goes to a Catholic school.
(My cousin is a really cool dude, but sadly has some anger management issues.)
And those people there are so damn confused.
The "gangsters".
They beat up someone and they think they are gangster.
-rolls eyes-
No, that does not mean your gangster. It means that you are violent and love to pounce innoecent people.
Then there are the girly girly girly girly girly girls.
It pisses me off to see someone calling themselves sexy or hot.
What the hell?
Its nice to think positive, but trying to out-pretty someone is stupid.
You dont bang your ass in some dudes face to get him to like you!
What the fuck happened to personality?
Is that all we care about now, looks?
People can be pretty and good looking and that thing might set something off in our minds about them, but some people's aim is just for looks!

And sex.
They all are fiends.
This dude has a list of people he wants to have sex with.
His girlfriend is number 5 and one of her close friends is number 1.

And now to the part that I dread the most.

The overuse of that word kills me.
Im not a hundred percetn sure what makes you that.
But I know that cutting doesnt automatically make you an emo.
And the fact that the label is use as a medal sometimes.

People there cut themselves.
Ive been told.

And they actually show each other their scars!
I can just imagine them...
Look! My cut is deeper than yours! Sucker!

Why would anyone show their scars to random class mates, huh?
And know one seems to give a damn when they someone is cutting.
Why not help the damn person rather than ask how many times did they cut or did it hurt.

Its stupid.
What happened to the fact that people that cut have an issue that is bothering them and that why they are outputting the pain into cutting?

And everybody there cuts too much.
Not saying that they have a lot of problems, but they exxagerate ever

Mother Fucking thing.

This girl I likes said she wouldnt be my valentine because she was already someone else's.

Cry me a river. You've only know the girl for about a year and you cut yourself just because she cant be your valentine?

There are guys that are married to their 'love' of their lives for more than twenty years and then all of a sudden their partner cheats on them with their best friend.

Ever thought how lucky you are that your only 12 and that she's not the love of your life?

Im cutting myself because my life sucks.

Give me a break.
I know that she has a good boyfriend that she loves with a her heart.
(Well, until she broke up with him and supposedly said that she wanted to be single until highschool but then a week later went out with her ex boyfriend again for the third time...)
She has loving parents.
Great friends.
Good grades.
And people that care about her.

Has she ever thought about the people that are dying slowly in Africa?
People that have to walk a mile to school (or even cant afford to go to school) when she lives only a block away and lives in a rich neighbourhood?

Has she ever thought about the kids that lost their parents due to that they were killed in the genocide and saw them die?

Has she ever thought about how lucky she is?

Have any of the kids in that wretched school thought how lucky they are that theye live in a good home, have someone they like around their arm, have good grades, good friends, and a decent life?

God they piss me off.

[End of another rant just because Im bored.]
October 4th, 2007 at 03:38am