Its Been a Very Long Time, Mibba.

i think it has been almost three years since I have posted anything on here and it makes me sad to think that my life had become so hectic that I couldn't even find the time to mention anything to any of my readers! I hope that if any of them are reading this that they can forgive me for my sudden disappearance and hopefully my reappearance will be welcomed!

Throughout the past few years, my grandmother had fallen ill. After two surgeries (one for her stomach and then one for her leg), she had been in physical therapy to regain her mobility. Her and my grandfather left and went back home to Puerto Rico for six months, but when they returned, she wasn't doing well. Taking her to the doctor, we found out that she had a rapidly growing type of lung cancer that was spreading to the brain. They immediately started her on chemotherapy and she was doing well up until the beginning of this year (2014). Late February to early March, she had been in a hospital until she passed away on March 5th. My heart aches everytime I think about her and I have been pushing forward without giving myself the time to grieve for her because I have to keep my family together. My brother needed me, my mother needed me, my grandfather, cousins, aunts and uncles all needed me. What time did I have to stop and cry? To mourn?

When I walked into the hospital room I felt like a hole had been punched in my chest with all the force that could be harvested on the face of the earth. My grandmother was and will al2ways be an angel, but she was taken from us before her time, I feel. She was supposed to be there smiling with my grandfather as I walked down the aisle to marry the love of my life. she was supposed to dance with us and the reception. She was supposed to be here for a few more years and now she is gone. It's been a difficult time these past few months, but it eventually brought me back here, to Mibba. As I go through my old blogs and stories, I realize that writing is what I am meant to do. It gives me an outlet, an escape and it allows me to pour my overwhelming emotions out onto paper. So, mibba, I will be writing again.

As for my stories; I know that there was only one that was completed and the others were ongoing. I am going to admit that I may take the unfinished works down to see if I wanted to continue, and if so, then I will rewrite them. This goes for the following:

-Burn for Me (Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfiction) -HieixOC-
-The Missing Dragonfly (Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfiction) -KuramaxOC-

I also have a few ideas in my drafts that have yet to be toyed with. One of them is called Red Velvet and I believe I had originally intended it to be a romance, but who knows?

Another one I had once promised and never got to do before life took over was a sequel to Grip Like Vice. I'd love to make it and see if dear Melody Harper is ever saved!

Like I said, I am hoping to return to mibba again. I missed the community that was here and hope that it hasn't changed (unlike the site layout itself O.o; )

It feels good to be back, Mibba <3
December 2nd, 2014 at 07:42pm