Room #4

Rain! I see rain!

I felt so happy today when the drops began to fall

Gah! Its everywhere!

As I walked to my physical education class I did what any weird and random teen like I would do.

I danced in the rain.

I mean... I will admit I am a terrible dancer. But what other opportunity will you get to dance in the pouring rain to a physical education class again? It doesn't happen often you know. I arrived to class soaking wet and late, but hey... you only have a single life, right?

What's that term again? The one that people use before they do something stupid or risky? Oh yeah! YOLO... You only live once.

I feel that people over-use that term a lot and don't really understand what it means to really appreciate life the way we know it. I probably don't as well. But we should most definitely enjoy every minute of every day we are lucky enough to receive from whatever higher force is pulling our strings of fate.

I know I know... I'm a messy thinker and this little thing I wrote is a bit out of the ordinary and could probably have turned out a bit differently. But I guess rain just does that to me.

I love the rain... And dancing horribly in it, in my opinion, is very welcomed and encouraged. See ya later!

<<Ross the Shameless>>
December 3rd, 2014 at 01:38am