It's Getting Really Old.

Ever since I had Dean I've been really hard on myself. I hardly look at myself in the mirror these days because I can't stand how I look. I know that's terrible, but it's the truth. I gained a lot of weight, and even though I haven't gained any weight since I had him, I haven't lost any either. It's starting to really bother me. I didn't think that it would take this long to slim back down.

It's not that I was a perfect size zero before I got pregnant or anything, I was a curvy size twelve. But I felt beautiful. I liked the curves I had, and I liked that I had a decent amount of boob, and an okay butt. I felt good. I don't feel that way now and it's driving me mad.

I've decided to change a few eating habits, and to commit to more physical activity. Deans getting bigger and it's easier for me to actually do a few things now. I really have no excuse. I'm giving my self a couple of months to lose at least ten pounds. If it doesn't happen, I might actually lose my marbles.
December 5th, 2014 at 08:51am