I Start My Meal by Grabbing My Hostess' Breast


Ah... I feel so bad. I feel so very, very bad. I didn't mean to like grab the boob that is not what I wanted to eat. So, before anyone starts thinking I sexually assaulted this poor girl let me explain to you guys the embarrassment that is my life. I'll share a meme:
Clicky forgot facebook links are ridiculous.

This is me. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong and it will be so because I tried to fix a minor incident and turn it into a major wreck. I'd apologize but... then the internet might break and I just. My life.

So, my roommates had taken one side of the table and I was going to walk around the hostess and grab the other and then somehow - someway, she started moving and we bumped into each other and I put my arms up (like I always do in case someone in front of me falls... blame my being a PCA for six months) but... by doing that my hand cupped her breast.

For like two seconds. Idk if she felt as embarrassed as I did. My roommates had a good laugh out of it because hey I'm the whore around here and make the jokes but in that situation I was like


What if I am forever remembered as "that one fat chick who grabbed my boob" girl. Like... not lying I probably wouldn't recognize her again... I have this thing where I don't remember people. But I don't want to be remembered that way... and in any case she shouldn't have turned the way she did... if she didn't it would have been her elbow.

ugh my life

I found it awkward eating there after that.

But then my roommate ordered a big red margarita and because of my luck I dropped the strawberry on the floor. Life hates me. I had to finish the drink though talk about a brain freeze. had some sort of steak thing... ranchero sauce... thing. idk. It was good. Would have preferred refried beans to the rice, Adobe's rice is too dry for my taste and there was no hot sauce in sight.

December 6th, 2014 at 04:42am