Lets all point to my chemical romance .......

Ok.....So i have just finished watching a programme on the telly .
" Most Annoying Pop Moments..."

Anybody else 'lucky' enough to catch this show ?

These moments included subjects like - Kerry Katona on drugs , Take That reforming without robbie ..................... And then they reached number 27 ( i think).

THE EMO MOVEMENT - Several different " celebrities , journalists and critics" had their say and it kinda went a little like this .........( with all my own sarcastic comments :D .)

The emo scene is basically about teenagers sitting alone in their rooms slitting there wrists , all walking round looking like cousin IT , with their hair all over there faces .They listen to music that promotes self harm and makes teenagers deeper than they actually are.
The boys all walk around promoting homosexuality , donning 'guyliner' and looking pretty.
While the girls all look like the boys.

- " Emo basically gives teenagers who are already having a hard time as it is , something , to whine about "

- " Emo worries me because guys will go to an emo concert and kiss other guys just to make girls horny its not working."

VOICE OVER GUY..........
" So who do we have to lead the emo movement ?
My Chemical Romance ......!!!! 5 guys who have started giving teenagers a good incentive to kill themselves. Fronted by ' the ever so pretty' Gerard way who's sexuality and Gender is questionable....

Some of the comments they made about my chemical romance -

" I have full respect to mychemical romance for getting out their and saying what theyve got to say......................But someone really should tell them they look and sound like pricks " ( ha yeah right coz youre a over weight comedian who no one has ever heard of before)

" Oh yeah my chemical romance are hardcore.....i mean who else could get away with song titles such as ' you know what they do to guys like us in prison'.........Now thats harcore" ( that was of course in a stupid fucking sarcastic manor.)

"If my son came home , wearing 'guyliner' listening to my chemical romance i would have to have a word with him."

"Emo is a movement for guys who can't get laid and for girls who never want to be laid again."

It could be just me , being a my chemical romance fan , getting anoyed , but my chemical romance where in fact the only band mentioned.....
Why are people sooo obsessed with putting things into brakets , its like you cant release a song unless it fits in somewhere.
I Am , however , aware that this programme was of course all ment light heartedly but it still anoyed me .

So its nearly 2AM......and i am sorry if i have wasted peoples time with this thing , but i hate to write it haha ! ...... :D . Im going to drag my ass to bed now ! x
October 4th, 2007 at 08:33am