Andy Dwyer Thinks Your Ideas Are Great

I have a lot of ideas swirling around in my head 24/7. In fact, I have so many ideas going through my head that the thing that puts me to sleep at night is basically plotting random stories I know will never go anywhere. As a self-proclaimed nerd I can admit that most of these stories are fanfictions. I don't really see the point in putting metaphorical pen to the metaphorical paper for something that already has its own plot. I have much more fun creating my own characters and making them do whatever I want.

For me ideas are just a normal occurrence. I have literally walked into a store, saw a person and BAM idea based on some random stranger... (Ok, I am aware that sounds really weird) all because they were wearing a cool shirt or doing something shady. It can happen anywhere, any time and be caused by almost anything.

So what do I do with all of these ideas?

The first thing I do is write them down. You never know what you can use again in the future. I can't tell you how many ideas I've gone back to and combined with other ideas or tweaked and made it something brilliant.

The second thing I do is imagine how would they end and how would they begin. If there isn't going to be very much in the middle maybe its not worth my time right now. Maybe it need something more to bulk it up, make it readable. That's why I write it down and if I'm lucky I can use it again in the future.

Sometimes the idea isn't really an idea but rather a quote or a character I would like to see in a movie or TV show. The quote is also written down and saved for another day but the characters are special. The characters will get used. More often than not if I have an idea based on a character I will start something right away, give the character a beginning at the very least. I feel like this is my most common form of operation. The reason for that being my dislike for female characters in just about every TV show, movie or book... but I will save that rant for next time.

As for the quotes... I once was sitting in an extremely boring meeting. I wasn't sure what the point of it was because all of the complaints being made were the same as the ones I'd heard last time but none of the mistakes had been fixed. So needless to say I was ridiculously bored. A random thought occurred to me; I might die of boredom. Somehow this lead to a fantastic idea about people killing themselves to obtain superpowers. Hopefully that idea will see the light of day within the next five years...

The point to all of this is that ideas are endless. Sure they may not always seem original but there are uses from them even if you don't see the use right off the bat.

Here's a little something I came up with a while back that started with this sentence...

"I'm a rather unremarkable person... if you don't take into consideration the whole teleportation thing."

So yeah, ideas can be anything and everything if you see them for what they can be. The real test is what you do

If you want to see this blog in all of its glory (mostly with the pictures) check out My original blog:

Good Luck!
December 8th, 2014 at 10:59pm