No Matter Where You Go...

No matter where you go, you'll always have arguements and usually sometimes people get hurt.But it's life isnt it? We cant avoid things that doesnt really appeal to us and we cant always have peachy happy things even in a place made for freedom. There will always be something that can set off a person. We are all walking timebombs. And you know it. We start arguements. Wars. Anything that can cross our minds that can wipe out our oppennent.

What happened to thinking it though clearly? Looking out on what the person you are going to comment will thing? Think if this will be the right thing to do?

There are things called 'Freedom of Speech', but there are also things called 'Being rude and not thinking it through clearly'.

We all know what it feels like to not be agreed with about what we say. One of the reason we have the site, right? Why try to start something we all avoid? Take it maturely. If someone offended you, talk to them privately and nicely. (Awkward and hard I know, but if I matters to you so much that you want an apology then ask for one. Things will be posted on the internet and you may not like it. Woopie. Deal with it in a way that wont hurt anybody else.)

And when commenting please please please think about what you are going to say. A playful comment should always be directed like that. But if a comment is a bit rude then think it through. We all know that we deserve that right to say what the hell we want, but do we deserve the right to put someone down? The right to hurt someone's feeling? Another thing that we try to avoid and thus why we are here.

So take it like a real woman and relax.
We are all just people with rights to be respected.

October 4th, 2007 at 09:26am