Christmas "Giveaway" of the Sorts: Fresh Batch of Christmas Blog Layouts

[continues pretending it's acceptable to disappear for almost an entire month and then reappear with a random update of a new story and Christmas blog layouts, but no explanation]

If I had the time or even the patience, I would make a Christmas giveaway but unfortunately, I'm going to have to skip this year and instead make up for it with a batch of Christmas blog layouts since they're in such high demand around this time of the year.

Also, before I get to the layouts, I just want to rant about how the holidays are both exciting and stressful for me. I have to worry alongside with my parents if things are going to be on time or if we'll even find what we want + bonus this year: my Mom doesn't have time to go Christmas shopping until the 17th/18th so that's definitely pushing it. However, the super cool thing is that I'm helping make dessert this year for Christmas dinner and I'm making caramel-macchiato tiramisu parfaits, and probably the apple crisp dessert pizza I made for Thanksgiving (which was also my first contribution to Thanksgiving!) and I'm stupidly excited about doing that.

Anyway, moving on! To the point of this blog. Let me know if you use one!

CHRISTMAS BLOG LAYOUTS, all made by yours truly and are available for anyone's use here
[ However, because I'm cool and all, there are things I'm willing to edit as desired. This applies to ONLY the things listed. If it's not listed, I won't edit it.
- Font type (Times, Georgia, Tahoma, etc.) of both content text and title text
- Font size (default for all layouts was 11px)
- Content box width (default for all layouts was 650px - 700px, with 30px padding on both right and left sides) ]
I Had Christmas in My Heart — [ Live Preview ]

Deerly Christmas — [ Live Preview ]

The Cat's Toys — [ Live Preview ]

I Lost My Christmas Tree — [ Live Preview ]

Christmas at Grandma's — [ Live Preview ]

Gingerbread Cookies — [ Live Preview ]
December 12th, 2014 at 02:58am