Late Night Thoughts

You ever feel like you know something is coming to an end? You can almost taste it.
Or worse, you already know the outcome but you just need it to happen to make it concrete.

Drinking every other night isn't healthy nor is my negativity about life. When did I get here? Why have I strayed from the simplicity of sitting in a chair and being surrounded by warm laughs?

Then there's Brand New's song, Jesus Christ that haunts my thoughts. It deepens my troubled thoughts into thinking that I'm on my way to this realm of pity. How stupid pity is. How stupid it is to feel empty. And oh my how stupid it is to become depressed over nothing, n o t h i n g.

Even worse, when you're already half way through this ridiculous pity storm, you begin to think of the lack of beings that linger in your life. Realization sets in, holy shit, you're alone. You hear that? Alone.

Wake up. Stir up those emotions deep inside. Deactivate your social sites, and please don't forget to block your feelings.

"... Because this problem is going to last more than a weekend."
December 14th, 2014 at 07:03am