The Sun and the Moon

Good afternoon! I am here to tell you something on my mind and to explain some stuff about me. Even though my profile says I am 25, I actually am not. I wasn't sure of the age restrictions on this website! I am still in school (Kindergarten-College age range) so I am stating this now. I won't state my grade because I am anonymous, and I also need to talk about my username. My username is BrookeAndBooks, but my real name isn't Brooke. I know it might be weird to use that as my username, but I wasn't quite sure what else to use.

So the real reason why I am here is to ask you, the reader, about something confusing to me. At school today, I saw someone get teased/bullied. Of course I told an adult because I wanted to help, and everything was okay afterwards. What I don’t get is the bully’s motive. I mean, I get he/she wanted a reaction out of the victim, but still. All of us, across the world, look at the same sun and moon every day. We all have our flaws and issues, but why point them out. I know this sounds cheesy, but really. Please comment about if this has happened to you.

The last thing I want to say I about my own personal issue. Anxiety. I know a lot of people get it sometimes (panic attacks, hyperventilation, etc.), but I seem to get it a lot. Usually it happens every Sunday night before I go to bed. I feel like the cause is that I’m nervous about what I’m going to wear the next day and if I will fit in. People my age probably get this feeling a lot. I really hate how it takes over our lives though.

I know this was a long blog, but it was important.

Stay brave. Stay strong. Stay you.
~Baby Bookworm, signing off (for now of course) xoxo
December 15th, 2014 at 08:57pm