I Need Your Help, Mibba

So in my science fiction class, we are currently writing and editing short stories. I really like what I've written and everything, but I can't come up with a title for anything. I was hoping you lovely people would be able to help me out.

So a basic plot summary is that genetic programming has become regular practice. My protagonist, Everett, was created to be an assassin. He doesn't like it. He and someone else he meets try to escape their current lives. The other person is caught and killed, so Everett goes back to bring an assassin and is killer on his next job.

The few titles I have right now are;
Blank Spaces
Escaping Perfection
A Dying Life
Artist for Hire

Let me know which one you think is best, or if you have any other suggestions. Thanks!

Until next time!
December 16th, 2014 at 04:23pm