Banner Shop

Oh hey!

Look. It's me avoiding academic responsible for creative ones.


Anyway, long time, no see. I would officially like to claim that the banner shop by essence. is semi-officially open!

I'll go and make this blog all nice and pretty by Friday, but until then the basics can be up. :)

Y'all should know the deal but if you don't the general form is:

Title of Story:
Faces Claims:*
Color Scheme/ Palette (color codes work fine):
Username in graphic?
Anything specific and/or Mood?

*If you do link to photos please make then HQ or at least some form of editable quality or I will be forced to reject them. I'm getting good at editing instagram photos, though. So it probably won't be too hard.

So do that and you're done! Past examples are:






Happy holidays!
December 16th, 2014 at 11:01pm