First Recommendation Blog.



As mentioned in on of my previous blogs, I have decided that I am going to start putting out recommendation blogs, at least one per day, with two-to-three pieces of writing being the focus of each of these blogs.


These recommendations are coming from both my rec and sub lists here on Mibba, which I have compiled into (And will continue to add, as I come across things) a Word document that I will be using to keep tabs on which ones I have done, to keep my brain on track and to keep things fair.


If I have recc'd or am subscribed to one of your works, make no doubts about it, it will be in here! I am, however, using a randomizer to pick everyone's number, so please be patient! I will get to you all eventually and show you your much needed love in due time.




By: kitsch
Before I could say anything more, she was back on her motorcycle and leaving me standing there, hoping I’d see her again.

As of right now, this story is only four chapters, and it is on hiatus. However, that does not mean that it is less of an amazingly written, intriguing story.

kitsch shows the art of a true writer with this piece; she moves everything along at a great pace that's easy to keep up with, not too slow, but not mind-meltingly fast either. Her characters are all very real, and feel just like friends that you may have or people you have met before. She puts you right into the middle of their world, and it all just flows from there.

But, what I love most about this story has to be Marina. She's a chick, she owns a motorcycle, and she has that air about her... without being that stereotypical, trying to be overly strong female that the stereotype usually lends itself to in writing.

She's tough, but not confrontational and unbelievable. She's just as real as all of the other characters, and that makes me love her even more.

This is such an exceptional story, and I am trying not to go too into detail because I really think you should check it out yourself, if you haven't already.



Dear Santa,
By: aubs
I just wanted to write this letter to say goodbye.

So, I was clicking around Mibba, trying to find some great Christmas stories because I was really down the other day, and I stumbled across this fantastic piece of writing.

I think that we all come to that point in our lives when we wish that the things we enjoyed in our childhood could follow us to adulthood and I know, for me, I found myself wishing that Santa was real. I was looking so hard for the hope and happiness the thought of him always brought, that I even started to believe he could be real again, just for the fun of it.

This letter of a grown girl to Santa, telling him that, deep down, she still believes, moved me to tears. Because I have been there. And also, because I feel we should all hold on to certain childish hopes.

Definitely go give it a read. Don't just take my sitting here, gushing over my keyboard for it.



So. That was my first blog recommending writing that is so much more fabulous than mine to you all. So yes. FORGET MY DRIVEL AND GO READ SOME AWESOME SHIZ.



I hope you all are doing wonderfully today!
December 17th, 2014 at 11:03pm