Favourite Books of This Year

These are some of the books I read this year I enjoyed the most. If you've read any of these, or you have any book recommendations, please comment.

The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness
First in the Chaos Walking series. A fantasy YA about a town where everyone can hear each other's thoughts in an endless stream of Noise, and what happens when Todd Hewett, the last boy in Prentisstown, finds a patch of silence within that Noise.

The Wee Free Men - Terry Prachett
Part of the Discworld series, and the first of the Tiffany Aching novels. It's about a young witch, Tiffany, who goes to rescue her brother from the fairy queen with the help of the wee free men (who are three inches high, blue, and have Scottish acents).

Affinity - Sarah Waters
I've read a lot of Sarah Waters this year, and this is my favourite of hers. It's a historical novel about a woman who starts visiting a prison, and befriends a spiritualist. It's rather creepy at points, and I thought the way everything came together at the end was brilliant.

Ash - Malinda Lo
A fantasy retelling of Cinderella.

The Thirteenth Tale - Dianne Setterfield
A Gothic novel about an author recounting her mysterious childhood for the first time. Very creepy. (There was a BBC adaptation of this on last Christmas, which is also worth checking out.)

Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch
The first novel about Peter Grant, a policeman in the Met solving a murder. Oh, and there's ghosts, magic, and water spirits.

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August - Claire North
This is about a man who gets reborn as himself every time he dies, with all the memories of his previous lives.
December 18th, 2014 at 04:47am