Dating and Small Talk

Do you ever just want to end a date based on their terrible answers to cliche questions?

I had a guy that asked me on our first date if I was going to be a stranded on a deserted island what would be the one thing I would bring. (Let's be honest this question is not great but I answered anyways.)

My reply was practical, I said I wouldn't choose a favorite book because I would end up hating it in the end out so a fubar would be what I chose because it was an 8-in-1 tool (its actually really handy). Politely I asked what he’d bring, he said he’d bring a girl. I made a face and asked him why to which he replied, “we’d keep each other company.”

Internally I groaned because he thought he was being cute and I thought it was gross because he smiled like he deserved an award for the answer. I decided to point out how it sounded awful.

"That’s ridiculous, you are saying that you are picking a girl to endure that sort of hell with you to just keep to you company?"


"Really dude?"

Lest I say things didn’t work out even if he was easy on the eyes because honestly every single one of his answers to any question seemed rehearsed and I thought it was ridiculous that a man who works at a hardware store didn't know what a fubar was. Maybe I'm just terrible at dating but I just can't deal with all the small talk or the insincerity. I'll stick to working and creating all the time.
December 18th, 2014 at 07:18am