Reading Smut in This House.

Hello, Mibba. I am still feeling really off today, and super tired. I didn't sleep a lot last night after getting home from my aunt's. I really appreciate you guys being patient with me and not getting any updates or reccs out these past two days. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to get anything out tomorrow either, because my family and I are going downtown for the day to do Christmas stuff.


But I am off Sunday, so I will be able to put up a couple reccs that day and hopefully update a couple of things.

I may also put out another Mark one-shot, I dunno yet. DO I SOUND/SEEM TOTALLY CREEPY WITH HIM YET?



Anyway, yeah, in relation to the title of this blog, it is insanely nerve-wracking to read smut in this house because my family is always up in each other's business. Even if I am in my room, with the door closed, my mom will just randomly bust in and go:

"CAN I USE YOUR LAPTOP?" Without knocking or anything and I just sit there like:


When inside I am totally doing this:


And then I tell her I have to delete the history first, because it "makes the browser run faster". And she'll look at me all funny and ask if I was looking at something important and I say "NOPE, NOTHING".



My family wins at awkward situations, just F.Y.I.


How is everyone today? Doing good, I hope! c:
December 20th, 2014 at 03:45am