
My cat just came up to me, put his paw on my boob, and then removed it. Now he's laying next to me, which is weird because he hates everyone. I think what stuck me about the boob touch was that he maintained eye contact before and after. Like, I'm flattered and everything, but it's just making me sad now. Because that's the most action I'm gonna see for an indefinite amount of time. Mostly because I spend almost all of my time at a barn and don't meet anyone, but also because I have a t-shirt I haven't washed in a few weeks because it still smells like the asshat I was dumb enough to fall in love with.


But seriously, Hugo is cuddling with me and I'm not really sure what's going on. He's the kind of cat you lock out of your room at night so he doesn't eat your face off. He would. That was an actual thing we were afraid of before he got snip-snapped. He's not mean he's just...mischievous. I decided that he's a mute Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

So maybe he likes to play with things before he kills them and doesn't eat them because he literally just likes to kill things. That doesn't make him a bad cat, that makes him a good hunter.

I mean, look at how precious he was.


Six-week-old Hugo was an angel.

Maybe two-year-old Hugo is a gargantuan beast that weighs over twenty pounds, but he loves me.

I hope.
December 23rd, 2014 at 12:19pm