It's Very Nice to Meet You

So, I am new on this site and that much is probably apparent from the large number of mistakes and faux-pas I will inevitably have made. However I like to think I am a fast learner so here goes. . .


Eh, hope that was the right code thing. . .

Anyway, I thought I'd talk about a few of my fandoms and current obsessions in the hope that someone will come talk to me.

1. One of my number one favourite things is the podcast Welcome to Night Vale. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it- none of my friends have either. . .

2. The Marvel Universe

3. LotR and The Hobbit

4. Harry Freaking Potter who I will love till the day I die

5. Supernatural (though I’m only on s4 so NO SPOILERS)

6. Noel Fielding and Julian Barrett


8. My undisputed favourite TV show is Buffy The Vampire Slayer. No ifs, buts or what-about-this’s. Joss Whedon is my master.

9. Spike deserves a fandom all of his own

10. Sherlock. Bloody brilliant the whole thing. And Benedict’s hair is on point.

11. Doctor Who. David Tennant is my alltime favourite Doctor although I have a special place in my heart for Chinny. . . (for those who don’t know, Chinny is Matt Smith)

12. The Mortal Instruments

13. The Hunger Games

14. Divergent

15. Vlogbrothers

16. CapnDesDes

17. Holly Black

18. Books and Youtube in general

19. Chocolate


20. Legend of Zelda

Anyway I hope you agree with at least a couple of the items on my list or I will have to kill you.

I’m kidding.

December 23rd, 2014 at 01:16pm