Stories, Stories, and More Stories

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! I'm writing this at 2AM, Christmas Eve. I'm 20 now so this is my first Christmas that I'm not a teenager. Which I must say doesn't really mean much... but it's just something that popped into my head. Whatever.

I love that Mibba has a blogging option now because I can tell you guys stuff without having to write a chapter for a story and then putting the info in the little bottom comment section. Author's notes or whatever.

Great news, I finished a new chapter for "Monsters In Your Bed"! I wrote 90% of it like 2 weeks ago and have been kind of busy/depressed/uninterested and so I just managed to finish the rest of it today. So, that'll be coming out probably the day after Christmas. Because I know people are gonna be busy on Christmas Eve and Christmas day so I don't think anyone will be reading it then. Yeah, so, look for that the day after Xmas.

Other news, I have decided to keep writing "She's So Bright". Mostly because I started writing that probably my Senior year of high school and it wasn't as terrible as some of my other stories. (Because some of my stories are so terrible but I will never delete them bc memories) Also because I pretty much have the entire plot written out. That takes a lot of work off of my hands.

I changed both of those stories' layouts and I'll probably change them 100 times more. I'm obsessed with visuals so the way a layout looks to me is crucial. With that, visuals drive me to write. The whole reason I started writing Monsters In Your Bed again is because I was on tumblr and found some ethereal blogs and saw beautiful landscapes and clothing and people and was like floored to start writing and incorporating these images in my story. I'm telling you this because

YOU SHOULD FOLLOW MY INSPIRATION BLOG and tell all your friends to follow it as well

I'm also thinking about starting a MIYB blog where I'd put detailed character descriptions and info and plot stuff and outfits and such. A place to put all (and exclusively) the visuals that go along with the particular story. I haven't done this yet, but depending on how busy I am tomorrow, I may get started.

So, yeah, I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still active. Still excited to write these stories. Wrote a chapter. Continuing "She's So Bright". And making a Monsters In Your Bed blog.

Blah blah blah. So now you know. That's so great. Have a merry Christmas!

After I finished writing this blog yesterday, I decided that I was going to continue with my story "Every Heart That We Betrayed". As it is now/was it's an Oli Sykes fan fic. Unfortunately, I have no interest in keeping it an Oli fan fic. I haven't listened to Bring Me The Horizon in years and don't really care for them at all. Therefore, I'm changing that story into a complete original fiction. It's gonna be a bit different from my other stories. I think I'm gonna try as best as I can to try a new style, do something fun, and just have a story filled to the brim with drama. Also, I can't say updates will be regular. This story is not a priority. It will be written when I feel inspired to write it. And I'm not gonna spend time and energy into planning out all the details like I'm doing for "Monsters In Your Bed".

Okay. So. That's it.
December 24th, 2014 at 11:21pm