Taxing Customers More When They Stay Past Closing

Oh, I wish this was a thing. How I wish this was a legit thing. I am a terrible person, I get it. But for once, can people idk... now stay late at a store? When idk the store has been closing at 10pm since... it opened. Why is it that big of a shock?

Then you have such nice and lovely people who on Christmas Eve want to shop even more when there is a huge sign that we close at 8pm. It's not my fault you cannot read. Go to a 24/7 store if you want to do late night last minute shopping.

So... I wish that if people want to shop after 9:55 then they should get taxed more. Say 5% the first minute, 10%, the next three, and then... 30% after closing time. I'm pretty sure people wouldn't want to shop after or at our closing times. :)

I don't give a shit if it's just one item. Should have got that earlier. I don't care if Christmas is tomorrow, again, should have gone earlier. and giving kids Dollar General gifts seems... kinda cheap? Idk... customers just really piss me off.

The shelves are a mess because... idk I guess people have a hard time putting shit up. They have to knock things over, cuz, YOLO.


Wouldn't be half as annoyed if when I told customers that we're closing in xx minutes or we are closed I'd get a respectful response instead of. "That's retarded." "I KNOW." /Rolls eyes. Just... lol. ugh. People.
December 25th, 2014 at 04:42am